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姓名 池漫郊 性别 先生 出生年月
单位、学校 厦门大学法学院 职称 职务
学历、学位 博士 学会职务 理事 电话 0592 -2187292
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Bio - Prof. Dr. Manjiao Chi Manjiao Chi is a professor of international law at Law School, Xiamen University, China. His major research and teaching fields cover international trade and investment policy and law, international dispute settlement, China and global governance. He has published several monographs and book chapters, and his articles appear frequently in leading law journals in both Chinese and English languages. Previously, Prof. Chi was Senior Fellow, Center for Global Cooperation Research (Kaete Hamburger Kolleg), Germany. He also worked in the Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Commerce, China, mainly dealing with WTO disputes, investor-state arbitration, trade & investment policy making, and was a member of the Chinese delegation for investment treaty negotiations. Among his many academic affiliations, he is Deputy Secretary-General, the Administrative Council, Xiamen Academy of International Law; Council Member, Chinese Society of International Law. He holds a Ph.D in Law degree from Xiamen University and was Fellow of Max-Planck Institute (Heidelberg), Edwards Fellow of Columbia Law School and visiting Fellow of UNDROIT. Prof. Chi actively engages in legal practice activities and is frequently invited to lecture and present in international and national conferences, law schools, multinational enterprises and leading law firms in China and abroad. Besides, he often serves as arbitrator, consultant and expert witness in many domestic, foreign-related and international arbitration cases. His working languages are Chinese and English, with basic knowledge of German and French.


英文个人专著(Monograph in English) 1. Manjiao Chi, Integrating Sustainable Development into International Investment Treaties (London: Routledge, to be published). 中文个人专著(Monograph in Chinese) 1. 池漫郊,《国际仲裁体制的不足与完善:基于中国与国际仲裁规则的比较研究》,法律出版社,2014年,361页。 2. 池漫郊,《多方多合同仲裁主要法律问题研究》,厦门大学出版社, 2006年,262页。 翻译作品(Translated Works) 1. 池漫郊(主译),《国际对世义务的概念》,法律出版社 ,2013年,304页。【原著信息/Original: Marizo Ragazzi, The Concept of International Obligations Erga Omnes (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000)】 英文著作章节(Book Chapters in English) 4. Manjiao Chi, From Ownership-Orientation to Governance-Orientation: An International Economic Law Perspective of China’s Shifting Attitudes towards Resource Sovereignty, in Marc Bungenberg & Stephan Hobe (eds.), PERMANENT SOVEREIGNTY OVER NATURAL RESOURCES (Switzerland: Springer, 2015), at 97-123. 3. Manjiao Chi (coauthor with Marc Bungenberg), Chinese Investment Law, in Marc Bungenberg, Joern Griebel, Stephan Hobe & August Reinisch (eds.), INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LAW: A HANDBOOK (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2015), at 221-239. 2. Manjiao Chi, Conflict of Laws, in Yuanshi Bu (ed.), CHINESE CIVIL LAW (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2013), at 233-294. 1. Manjiao Chi, Domestic Arbitration: A Comparative Perspective, in M. J. Moser (ed.), DISPUTE SETTLEMENT IN CHINA (New York: Juris Publishing, 2012), at 45-92; updated version, in M. J. Moser (ed.), DOING BUSINESS IN CHINA (New York: Juris Publishing, 2014).


主要英文论文(Selected Journal Articles in English) 20. Manjiao Chi (coauthor with Xi Wang), The Evolution of ISA Clauses in Chinese IIAs and Its Implications: The Admissibility of Disputes for Investor-State Arbitration, 16 (5-6) JOURNAL OF WORLD INVESTMENT AND TRADE (2015), at 862-891 (forthcoming). 19. Manjiao Chi, A Long March towards Compatibility, Coherence and Consistency: The Future of China’s Investment Agreements, 18 (4) DIE ZEITSCHRIFT FüR EUROPARECHTLICHE STUDIEN (ZEuS/European Law Study)(2015), at 373-389 (forthcoming). 18. Manjiao Chi, The “Greenization” of Chinese BITs: An Empirical Study of the Environmental Provisions in Chinese BITs and Its Implications for China’s Future BIT-Making, 18 (3) JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW (2015), at 511-542. 17. Manjiao Chi, Resource Sovereignty in WTO Dispute Settlement: Some Implications of China-Raw Materials and China-Rare Earths, 12 (1) MANCHESTER JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW (2015), at 2-15. 16. Manjiao Chi, “Exhaustible Natural Resource” in WTO Law: GATT Article XX (g) Disputes and Their Implication, 48 (5) JOURNAL OF WORLD TRADE (2014), at 939-966. 15. Manjiao Chi, Trade-Plus Effects of WTO Dispute Settlement on China: An Ideal or Illusion?, 47 (6) JOURNAL OF WORLD TRADE (2013), at 1439-1384. 14. Manjiao Chi, Privileging Domestic Remedies in International Investment Dispute Settlement, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (ASIL), Vol.107 (April 2013), at 23-26. 13. Manjiao Chi, A Note on China’s Legal and Operational Responses to International Piracy, 44 (1) OCEAN DEVELOPMENT AND INTERNATIONAL LAW (2013), at 113-122. 12. Manjiao Chi, Finding out the “Achilles’ Heels”: Piracy Suppression under International Law and Chinese Law, 5 (1) JOURNAL OF EAST ASIA AND INTERNATIONAL LAW (2012), at 7-36. 11. Manjiao Chi (coauthor with Nils Eliasson, Roberts S. Pé), Investment Arbitration: China, Hong Kong and Treaty Shopping, ASIAN DISPUTE REVIEW, April 2012, at 43-46. 10. Manjiao Chi, China’s Participation in WTO Dispute Settlement in the Past Decade: Experiences and Impacts, 15 (1) JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW (2012), at 29-49. 9. Manjiao Chi, Are We “Paper-Tigers”: The Limited Procedural Power of Arbitrators under Chinese Law, 2011 JOURNAL OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION (2011), at 259-281. 8. Manjiao Chi, “The Iceberg beneath the Water”: The Hidden Discrimination against the Lex Mercatoria in Chinese Arbitration, 7 (2) JOURNAL OF PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW (2011), at 341-359. 7. Manjiao Chi, The Unhelpfulness of Treaty Law in Solving the Sino-Japan Sovereign Dispute over the Diaoyu Islands, 6 (2) EAST ASIA LAW REVIEW (2011), at 163-189. 6. Manjiao Chi, Application of the UNIDROIT Principles in China: Successes, Shortcomings and Implications, 15 (1) UNIFORM LAW REVIEW (2010), at 5-35. 5. Manjiao Chi, Time to Make a Change? — A Comparative Study of Chinese Arbitration Law and the 2006 Revision of UNCITRAL Model Law, 5 (2) ASIAN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION JOURNAL (2009), at 142-166. 4. Manjiao Chi, Drinking Poison to Quench Thirst: The Discriminatory Arbitral Award Enforcement Regime under Chinese Arbitration Law, 39 (2) HONG KONG LAW JOURNAL (2009), at 541-560. 3. Manjiao Chi, The Fading of Compulsory Consolidation of Arbitration: A “Fight” between the Principles of Efficiency and Party Autonomy in International Commercial Arbitration, 1 (4) FUDAN JOURNAL OF THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (THE HUMANITIES ISSUE) (2008), at 119-134. 2. Manjiao Chi, Is Chinese Arbitration Act Truly Arbitration-Friendly: Determining the Validity of Arbitration Agreement under Chinese Law, 4 (1) ASIAN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION JOURNAL (2008), at 104-120. 1. Manjiao Chi, A Comparative Study of the Arbitrator Nominating Mechanisms: Bi-Party Arbitration v. Multi-Party Arbitration, 9 (2) THE JOURNAL OF INHA LAW (2006), at 71-86. 部分中文论文(Selected Journal Articles in Chinese) 1. 池漫郊,“简论美国2012年BIT范本关于仲裁管辖的规定及其对中国BIT缔约实践的潜在影响”,《国际经济法学刊》,第19卷第4期,2012年,第120-141页。 2. 池漫郊,“国际混合仲裁的法律适用——兼论ICSID仲裁庭在“谢业深案”中的法律适用”,《国际经济法学刊》,第17卷第3期,2010年,第122-137页。 3. 池漫郊,“从效率至上到契约自由——基于合并仲裁评当代仲裁价值取向之变迁”,《仲裁研究》,第17卷,2008年12月,第9-18页。 4. 池漫郊,“两个人的仲裁庭?——主要仲裁规则关于短员仲裁规定的比较研究与立法建议”《仲裁与法律》,第110辑,2008年6月,第27-44页。 5. 池漫郊, “缺员仲裁的合法性”,《法学研究》,2007年第6期,第55-62页。 6. 池漫郊,“缺员仲裁裁决的承认与执行的问题——对《纽约公约》相关规定的另一种解读”,《仲裁研究》,第13卷,2007年11月,第53-60页。 7. 池漫郊,“论多方仲裁与传统国际商事仲裁体制的兼容——兼论多方仲裁对仲裁程序的挑战”,《国际经济法学刊》,第12卷第4期,2005年,第338-357页。 8. 池漫郊,“论联合国国际贸易中应收款转让公约对转让通知的要求”,《国际经济法学刊》,第8卷,2004年1月,第108-131页。


Selected Memberships and Affiliations(参与专业性机构或工作) 1. Advisory Council Member, International Investment Law Center Cologne(IILCC) 【国际投资法中心(科隆)国际顾问委员会 委员】 2. Member, the American Society of International Law (ASIL) 【美国国际法学会 会员】 3. China Representative, Asian-Pacific Forum of International Arbitration (AFIA)(2011-13) 【亚太国际仲裁论坛 中国区代表】(2011-13) 4. Council Member, the Chinese Society of International Law (CSIL) 【中国国际法学会 理事】 5. Expert Council Member, Xiamen Court of International Commercial Arbitration 【厦门国际商事仲裁院 专业指导委员会委员】 6. Member of the Chinese Delegation for Investment Treaty negotiations(2012-14) 【中国代表团成员 国际投资协定谈判】(2012-14) 7. Deputy Secretary-General, Administrative Council, Xiamen Academy of International Law 【厦门国际法高等研究院行政理事会 副秘书长】 8. Fellow, ForschungsKollegSiegen (“FoKoS Center”), University of Siegen, Germany 【德国锡根大学社会科学研究院 研究员】 9. Arbitrator, on the penal list of various arbitration institutions 【多个仲裁机构 仲裁员】 10. Visiting professor at various universities abroad 【多所国外大学 访问教授】 Editorials(担任以下期刊国际编委) * Canadian Foreign Policy Journal (Canada); * NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy (India) ; * Banaras Law Journal (India) 作为外部专家为联合国贸易与发展会议《世界投资报告》【UNCTAD-World Investment Report】担任评议人(2015); 基于临时指定,为诸多国际法律、政治及国际关系国际期刊担任同行审稿人。


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